Free Trial

Welcome! JazzWire is the place where passionate, engaged adult musicians, like you, come together for profound and meaningful jazz experiences.

It's time to make some real changes in your learning, playing and understanding of Jazz. I want to get you moving ahead and this free trial is a great start.

Inside JazzWire, you'll have friends from around the country and around the world trading ideas, comparing notes, offering meaningful input, and working together with you, all at your level. Making people feel comfortable and safe, while giving them the knowledge and feedback they need is what we do, and what sets us apart.

Click the Sign Up button to the right, and you will receive a 3-minute walk through JazzWire, and then you'll be free to explore on your own.

View the hundreds of posts and all the lessons, classes and interviews that we've created. And yes, your email is safe with us. We hate it when our addresses are sold or misused, and wouldn't do that to you.

Take 20 seconds, fill out the form, and I will see you inside!


Jeff Antoniuk

Minimum Browser Requirements

Safari version 10.1

Chrome version 67

Firefox version 78

Edge version 15